Tagged: news


Flag Issue Flaps Fair

  The Wayne County Fair Board, announced Aug. 23 that it is discouraging the display of the Confederate flag by vendors, but is still permitting the flag’s sale.  That announcement became public in a...


District can sense the tides of change approaching

Students at the high school can look forward to expanded course offerings in Project Lead the Way and College Credit Plus options, according to WHS principal Tyler Keener.   “In regard to new programs,...


Seniors win scholarship

  Seniors Jessica Ezeji and Aaron Cochran were the recipients of the Wooster All-Sports Booster Scholarship Award in which they each won $1000. They are the first to win the award this year. Ron...


WHS elects new student government

 Student government elections were held May 9 and 10 and determined that the following students would be taking positions in student government: The freshman class president and class vice president will be Grace Buchholz...


WHS helps commemorate Brian Tarpley

 A new memorial being created to commemorate the late Brian Tarpley, who died on Feb. 29 of this year. Tarpley suffered from kidney failure and esophageal cancer for some time.  Family friend, Jen Joy, remembers...


Standardized tests that WHS uses

MAP  Among standardized tests that WHS has used in the past is the Measure of Academic Progress test. MAP tests are online standardized tests that adapt the difficulty of questions based upon a student’s...


What do test scores show?

Standardized tests have been used for the college admission process and general student evaluation for years, but are these tests effective at gauging students in their entirety?   The answer is unclear due to...