Category: Focus


Local Roots celebrates Chinese New Year

On Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019, Local Roots brought community members together with Chinese character writing, a scavenger hunt and other activities as they hosted their fifth annual celebration of Chinese New Year.


Editor offers steps to reduce your carbon emissions

Reducing one’s individual impact on the environment is as much about maintaining awareness as it is about reducing, reusing and recycling. According to an article titled “25+ ways to reduce your carbon footprint,” published...


Board Puts Levy on may Ballot

 At its Jan. 24 meeting, the WCSD Board of Education voted unanimously to put a Permanent Improvement Levy on the May 2 ballot.  According to the WCSD Treasurer Bonnie West the levy has a...


Solidarity March Takes Place in Wooster

  This past Saturday, 400 people gathered at the gazebo in downtown Wooster for a Solidarity March.   According to Rev. Kevan Franklin, minister at Trinity UCC of Wooster and organizer of the march,...