WHS bowling team aspires to roll over the competition
With the midway point in the season just behind them, the WHS bowling team is looking to make big strides to close out the season strong.
With an overall record of 9-3 and 6-0 in the division, the team has been very successful throughout the season.
Jordan Grossen (12) says his favorite part about bowling is putting up scores. He also explains that people have to overcome obstacles and conflict throughout the season.
“Just like any other sport, the hardest part is dealing with adversary and not being successful all the time. That’s why the team is always striving to get better,” Grossen said.
Cody Barnes (12) explains the team has had great success working together and not playing selfishly.
“There is no ‘I’ in team and that has shown throughout this season. Our greatest victories have come from us uniting as a team,” Barnes said.
Coach Tracie Leiendecker vocalizes teamwork is an important part of the program.
“Our focus with each new season is teamwork. Our boys are led by three seniors: Ethan Bachman, Cody Barnes and Jordan Grossen. They are all equally talented on the lanes and have shown great leadership to the newly added boys on the roster,” Leiendecker said.
With not as much experience as the boys’ roster, Leiendecker says the girls’ team’s work ethic is right there with the boys.
“With all the hard work and dedication, they each have accomplished personal goals and are setting much higher goals to end the season. We may not finish with the best record, but I assure you it is not due to lack of effort,” Leiendecker said.
The team’s next meet is this coming Jan. 26 at Lex Lanes, against Lexington. And Jan. 27 at Wayne Lanes against East Canton.