Writer advocates for change in upcoming year
Coming from a tumultuous past year, a great number of people will remember only feelings of fear for the future that a Trump inauguration will bring. As we begin 2017, and thus his presidential term, this fear becomes real and tangible.
With such anxiety in the United States, it is important to remind everyone that the world is not over.
To quote President Barack Obama’s election night message, “The sun will rise in the morning.”
And, with this rising sun, comes the promise of change and new ideas as well. A new wave of passionate people will inevitably rise to pick up the slack they feel Trump may leave.
With Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt, a climate-change denier, to the head of the EPA, many non-government-affiliated environmental organizations have voiced their outrage. Greenpeace U.S. has voiced its concern in recent tweets, and has also announced a call to action.
“Stand up to Trump’s cabinet of climate denial! Join hundreds of people talking in the #DayAgainstDenial,” the Jan. 8 tweet reads.
A tweet the following day, Jan 9., announced that on that day, “thousands of people across the country will go to senators’ offices to stop Trump’s climate denial cabinet.”
With these companies’ cabinet.”
With these companies’ outrage, the promise of strengthened private-sector environmental agencies is exciting, as experts in their filds will have more impact.
With much of the country hurting this year, it is time for us to put our heads together and face them forward. Healing comes from joining together and fighting for those among us that lack representation.