How to fight against senioritis
School can feel like it is dragging on when nearing the end of the year, especially for seniors who only have a few weeks left before graduation; but this end of school dreariness can be easily remedied.
To begin adjusting their attitudes, seniors should remember that these are the last few weeks of being with their high school friends and appreciate the time they have. Even in the summer, seniors will not see their peers on a regular basis like they do in school.
Another way to get through school is to utilize the warm spring weather. Try doing homework outside in the sun and reduce stress by going for a walk in the favorable spring weather.
Even if you do not play a spring sport, attending an event including tennis, lacrosse, softball, track or baseball is still a good way to support friends and classmates and take a break from end of the year work and stress.
Finally, use the promise of summer to motivate your studying especially during AP and finals’ weeks.
“Take one day at a time, continue to work hard all the way through to the very, very last day and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel,” Math Dept. member Chris Mascotti-Rasor said.
Let summer be a break from hard work and not a saving grace.