Tagged: news


BLADE wins CSPA Gold Medal for 2015

Every year The Wooster Blade submits six of its best issues to be critiqued in an international convention for student publications, hosted by Columbia Scholastic Press Association, and this year, The Wooster Blade was...


College Credit Plus Analyzed

College Credit Plus courses offer college credit for classes taken in the high school, taught by high school teachers. WHS principal Tyler Keener states the College Credit Plus program is intended to afford students...


WHS Mascot Rediscovered

The disappearance of the WHS mascot is due to the lack of student volunteers. According to principal Tyler Keener, “We usually have one or two students who sign up to be the General. This...


Taggart Receives Art Award

Wooster High School art teacher, Tricia Taggart, recently received the eXpressions Teacher Celebration award from the Cleveland Clinic for participating in the program for 10 years. This eXpressions program encourages high school students from...


Weighted Grades Considered

Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, a committee of teachers, along with principal Tyler Keener and guidance counselor Tyler Egli, began discussing the option of implementing weighted grades in WHS. This committee, the Building...


Naviance Assists Students

In the spring of last school year, the WHS Guidance Department announced the addition of the Naviance Family Connection Program to the school’s college and career readiness services. Naviance contains four sections: “Colleges,” “Careers,”...


Chilean Poet Formoso Visits Wooster

On Oct. 4, Chilean author and poet Christian Formoso was schedule to come to WHS to speak to upper-level Spanish and literature classes about his work. According to Stony Brook University, Formoso is the...


Research Casts Doubt On Drug Testing

Since the 2002 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Board of Education v. Earls, which allowed schools to conduct random suspicionless drug testing without warrants of any student who participates in extracurriculars, there have been...