Naviance Assists Students
In the spring of last school year, the WHS Guidance Department announced the addition of the Naviance Family Connection Program to the school’s college and career readiness services.
Naviance contains four sections: “Colleges,” “Careers,” “About Me” and “My Planner.”
Within the program, students can analyze and compare both colleges and various careers.
The “About Me” section includes a Strengths Explorer test to help students determine what their natural aptitudes are.
Naviance prioritizes goal setting in students’ development through the “My Planner” section.
According to Naviance’s home website, “Each student’s path is unique… Naviance allows students to create a personalized plan that helps them make the right decisions throughout their academic journey.”
In addition to offering college and career guidance, Naviance acts as a medium for storing application materials, resumes, ACT/SAT scores and other information.
Although services resembling those in the Naviance program are available on the web, Naviance offers students one central location with services to help students stay organized.
Jennifer Winge, Dean of Admissions at the College of Wooster, commented on WHS’s implementation of the Naviance program in an e-mail on Aug. 17, 2016.
“I’m pleased to see Wooster City Schools invest in the Naviance product… the system facilitates important communication and research at each phase of a student’s high school career.”
WHS Guidance Counselor, Tyler Egli, cited his experience at a school in Indiana as being the motivation behind bringing Navaince to Wooster.
“Seeing how helpful it was for students and families there, I wanted to bring that to the Wooster community.”
Guidance counselors have presented information on how to utilize Naviance to senior English classes at WHS.