Student Pursues Rugby as Newest WHS Club
Clara Lemal Brown, a new student at WHS, is on a mission to start a women’s rugby team for the high school.
Ohio rugby reached out to Brown upon her move to Wooster this year in an effort to establish more women’s rugby teams across the state of Ohio. Currently, there are 11 women’s rugby teams in Ohio and 41 men’s teams, according to Rugby Ohio executive administrator Lee Pulver.
Brown, who is an All American rugby player from an all star team for New York and the midwest, started practicing with her mother’s team at Colgate University, quickly falling in love with the sport.
“I would love to finally have a team where I live and expand the love for the sport,” Brown said.
This drive is also shared by Pulver, who believes the fast-growing sport is an important addition to high schools around the country.
“I think girls need to know that you don’t need to have a certain body type or a certain athletic build; rugby has a position for just about anybody with any ability,” Pulver said.
To establish a club sport at WHS, nine different criteria must be met, including: sufficient interest, the availability of players, facilities, competition and transportation, along with an assessment by the school, OHSAA and for possible Title IX violations, according to BOE guidelines.
WHS athletic director Andy Kellar stated he supports any program that allows students to participate in a sport. The timeline for the introduction of a rugby team is unknown and depends on how quickly the new club coach could meet all the requirements said Kellar.