NHS members paint teacher lounges for service projects
NHS is using funds saved from their yearly holiday poinsettia sale to redo two of the teacher lounges at WHS.
NHS adviser and English Dept. member, Rebekah Bell, organized this project on the basis that it embodies all the pillars of NHS: character, service, scholarship and leadership.
NHS students voted to decide as to whether this project would be an appropriate use of the fund as, usually, the funds raised in the poinsettia sale are saved for students in the district in need of dental services, Bell said.
However, due to a lack of requests for dental services, the fund had excess money being
saved, rather than being used to benefit the community.
“We want our fund to be actively supporting and serving the community,” Bell said.
According to NHS President, Corbin Lanker (12), over spring break, students painted two lounges, the one on the first floor by the main office and the lounge in the English hallway.
NHS member Marisa Zerrer (12) helped clean and throw away unneeded items over break.
“Most of the utensils and mugs were taken to Goodwill,” Zerrer said.
Bell said NHS is working with Urban Cottage to create comfortable lounges for the staff.
The goal is to have both lounges done by the second week of May, which is Teacher Appreciation Week.