Drug Testing Committee Makes Headway
Random drug testing is continuing to be researched and debated at WHS.
Dr. Adam Keating, head of the Random Drug Testing committee, which is comprised of about 10 community members and one student representative, has been the head of investigating the random drug testing policy.
Keating, who stated he is neither an advocate for or against drug testing, said the random drug testing policy, if implemented, will not be meant to harm students, but rather to help eliminate the drug problem at WHS and promote healthy living.
Principal Tyler Keener concurred with the sentiment of Dr. Keating, concerning the intent of the policy, stating, “I’m for anything that will help students realize the harm that these substances can do to their bodies,” while also acknowledging that “there’s some positive and some negatives,” concerning random drug testing.
However, no official decision has been reached concerning if or how drug testing will be implemented, as Keating stated the committee has not made a recommendation to the school board concerning what types of tests will be used to test for illicit substances or who would be tested should they decide to pursue the policy.