New video announcements crew expects successful semester
WHS students and faculty are familiar with the weekly video announcements presented by the young men and women who comprise the TV Production team.
Traditionally, the team changes members with each semester, and this semester has a very noticeable change.
With a crew of 19 students, Nathan Greene, adviser to the TV Production class, notes this is one of the largest crews he has had.
“I am excited to work with the new production crew. There are a lot of new ideas coming in. The fact that this is a larger than average crew provides us with a multitude of opportunities. With larger numbers, we have more time for revision which will allow for better quality in the long run,” Greene said.
Returning TV Production member, Nick Williams (12), already has aspirations and goals for the new semester.
“I hope we can bring some announcements and segments that make sense and have purpose. I also hope that we are able to provide the spoken announcements with a little more color. A few laughs would be great as well,” Williams said.
“Most of the students are here for the first time. Each crew member adds more diversity to the class which is definitely a huge change compared to crews in the past,” Williams added.
Fourteen of the 19 students enrolled in TV Production are first time members. Michael Heidelman (12) is new to Video Production and is excited to be a part of the team.
“I hope that we can bring more creativity, and ideas, and such. I’ve always loved film, it’s solid,” Heidelman said.
The Video Announcements are presented Fridays during third period and will feature new TV Production members throughout the rest of the year.