Category: Feature


Dress code provokes editorial discussion

During the first two weeks of school, administrators have begun a stricter crackdown on the dress code than we have seen in previous years. Many students were caught off guard by this stricter code,...


WHS hosts annual Fine Arts Festival

 The City of Wooster has many festivals throughout the year including Jazz Fest, Woosterfest and the Wayne County Fair, but only one festival focuses on the students in the school district.  The Wooster City...


Loveless: Opting out on Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day can spike a feeling of loneliness for those not in a relationship, hence the reason Anti-Valentine’s Day parties came about. And, for those people who feel lonely on such a romantic holiday,...


Blade takes a stance on the overuse of the word “HATE”

Editor’s Note: This column is one of a two part Blade exploration of the overuse of “LOVE” and “HATE”. Read Matt Friedhoff’s column on “LOVE” defines the word “hate” as “to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme...