Category: Feature
WSTR production staff begins Power of One Initiative, asking students,“What makes you special?”
The WSTR video production team has recently started a project at WHS called The Power of One. The Power of One is a project where several members of the video announcement crew, specifically Natalie...
Social Justice Committee encourages Inclusivity
The Social Justice Committee in the Wooster City School District is a group comprised of staff members who come together to promote positive change in the schools in the district. The committee includes representatives...
A Lady’s Advice for Prom
From the fancy dresses, the high heels, the perfect hair and make-up, along with a great night full of fun, Prom is something that most girls look forward to during high school. But, something...
A Gentleman’s Advice for Prom
Gentlemen, it is almost time for Prom. Recently, I learned prom etiquette from Katherine Webster, and I had the following takeaways. When you pick your date up from her house, you...
Where Galentine’s Day Started
On Feb. 11, 2010, NBC’s Parks and Recreation coined the term and holiday “Galentine’s Day,” a holiday created to celebrate female friends on February 13, the day before Valentine’s Day. According to IMDB,...
IB students and staff adopt a family around the holidays
The International Baccalaureate students, housed at WHS, are making the holidays extra special for one local family this year. Through Jobs and Family Services, the IB students and staff each made and collected donations...