Author: Alexander Thompson


Board Puts Levy on may Ballot

 At its Jan. 24 meeting, the WCSD Board of Education voted unanimously to put a Permanent Improvement Levy on the May 2 ballot.  According to the WCSD Treasurer Bonnie West the levy has a...


Tefs to be Interim at Green – Board Divided

  At an emergency meeting on Feb. 1, the WCSD Board of Education amended WCSD Superintendent Michael Tefs’s contract, allowing him to be interim superintendent of Green Local School District, which serves the Smithville...


Chamber of Commerce awards local businesses

  The Greenbriar Event Center hosted a veritable “who’s who” of the Wooster business community, as over 800 of the city’s leading citizens gathered for the annual dinner of the Chamber of Commerce of...


Opioids Epidemic Explored

For nearly a decade, Stephanie, a Wooster resident, was an active heroin user. “As a young person it kind of depletes your soul, it really took a lot out of me,” she said. Stephanie,...


Wrestlers Read at Kean

For the past several years, the wrestling team has gone to Kean to read with the elementary students, now they are going above and beyond, introducing a new interactive teaching program this year. Don...


Research Casts Doubt On Drug Testing

Since the 2002 5-4 Supreme Court decision in Board of Education v. Earls, which allowed schools to conduct random suspicionless drug testing without warrants of any student who participates in extracurriculars, there have been...


Wooster Schools Get Low Marks on State Reports

Wooster City Schools received a “C” in achievement, an “F” in ‘gap closing,’ which measures achievement for traditionally low performing groups of students, an “F” in K-3 literacy and a “B” in progress, which...


Flag Issue Flaps Fair

  The Wayne County Fair Board, announced Aug. 23 that it is discouraging the display of the Confederate flag by vendors, but is still permitting the flag’s sale.  That announcement became public in a...