Ballet enriches student’s NYC experience
On Nov. 29, I had the opportunity to attend the opening night of the New York City Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker.
Over the years, my family and I have attended the local productions of The Nutcracker put on by the Wayne Center for the Arts. In addition, I also danced in the production, myself. As a result, the ballet has earned a very special place in my heart.
Not to diminish the value of our own production here, but rather to better comment on the experience put on by the New York City Ballet, I would be lying if I did not say their production of The Nutcracker was the best ballet performance I have ever had the privilege to see.
The technical features of the production, stemming from the dancing itself and spreading to aspects of lighting, scenery and prop usage were all used to the greatest advantages and the pure talent of the dancers is incredible.
In fact, many of the core dancers are children ages 16 and under.
Additionally, almost every dancer plays numerous roles in the production, proving both versatility and experience.
According to programs distributed at the ballet, all children performing in the production are members of the New York School for the Performing Arts, a highly prestigious and demanding program. In addition, they also dance for the New York City Ballet and their countless productions.
Having danced, myself, at a younger age, I can commend these children not only for their raw talent and ability, something for which I could only have wished, but also for their dedication and poise under the spotlight at such a young age.
In the audience around were people of all different statuses, as well as different geographical backgrounds. The NYCB is world-famous, so it was no surprise to find a family from Spain sitting next to me.
I could also find a spectrum of attire present in the audience.
While I understand my experience may have been once in a lifetime, and is one that most will not have the opportunity to experience, I can only encourage people who find themselves in New York City around Christmas time to stop by Lincoln Center and encounter the magic that is the New York Ballet Company and their production of The Nutcracker.